** CHINA ** CUBA?: 11855. CRI. Mar, 29. 2345- 2359 UTC. Interview with a Mexican student. Then a musical special about Sanxian. 55555. ¿From China or Cuba? (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile)
** PERU. 4775. R. Tarma. Mar 29. 0000-0027 UTC. ID, Cumbia and Huaynos. 45444. (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile)
** USA. 4840. WWCR. Mar 29. 0030- 0045 UTC. Program “The Arterburn Radio Transmission” with economics comments. 45343. (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile)
** USA. 5085. WTWW. Mar 29. 0047- 0059 UTC. 70’s & 80’s Rock and Pop Music. 35333 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile)
** VATICAN [NON] **USA. 7305. Vatican News. Service in portuguese. Mar, 29. 0115 - UTC. News about Pope, Myanmar, "Asamblea eclesial", Yemen
.. 55555.
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